Frequently Asked Questions

Swot Shop FAQs

Teacher Qualifications and Experience

Are your tutors qualified?

Yes, all our tutors are teachers with professional teaching qualifications. As experienced teachers they have excellent communication skills with a dedication to teaching. They upskill with professional development to stay current with the latest teaching methods and trends.

Our teachers have a wealth of experience in the education field, with many of them having taught in various settings such as schools, tutoring centres and online platforms. This diverse experience allows them to cater to the individual needs of each student and provide personalised support to help them succeed academically.

Additionally, our teachers are passionate about helping students reach their full potential and are committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment. With their qualifications, experience and dedication, you can trust that your child will receive high-quality instruction and support from our teachers.

Feedback and Communication

What sort of feedback will I get about my child?

We provide detailed statistical reports, emailed assessment results and annual competition performance information, ensuring you stay informed about your child’s progress.

You can expect to receive detailed statistical reports on your child’s progress and areas for improvement.

In addition, assessment results will be emailed to you regularly so you can track your child’s academic growth. We also provide information on your child’s performance in annual competitions, giving you a comprehensive overview of their achievements.

Our goal is to keep you updated and involved in your child’s education. Your feedback is important to us, so we encourage open communication and welcome any questions or concerns you may have.

Together, we can work towards ensuring your child reaches their full potential and achieves academic success.

Refunds and Withdrawals

If personal circumstances require my child to withdraw during a semester, will I get a refund?

Please note that refunds are subject to our refund policy, which may vary depending on the timing of the withdrawal. It is important to notify us as soon as possible if you need to withdraw your child, as this can affect the amount of refund you are eligible to receive.

In most instances a withdrawal fee equating to two weeks of tuition fees applies. However, refunds will not be provided for withdrawals after the fifth week of Term 4 as vacant positions cannot be filled at the end of the year.

We understand that personal circumstances can change and we are here to support you through this process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding refunds or withdrawals, please do not hesitate to reach out to our administration team for assistance.

Your child’s education and well-being are our top priorities and we are committed to working with you to ensure a smooth transition during any changes in enrolment.

Academic Challenges and Support

What if my child finds the work too difficult?

We monitor performance closely and will contact parents if there are concerns. It’s expected that the work will be challenging compared to standard schoolwork.

Our teachers are trained to provide additional support and resources to help students overcome academic challenges. If your child is struggling with the work or has any study questions, we encourage student enquiries and open communication with their tutors to address any areas of difficulty.

We believe in a growth mindset and encourage students to persevere and seek help when needed. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help and we are here to support your child every step of the way. Together, we can help them succeed academically and reach their full potential.

Materials and Equipment

What equipment or books will I need to purchase for my child’s class?

All necessary materials and stationery are provided without any additional fees.

Our goal is to make learning as accessible and stress-free as possible for both students and parents. We understand the financial burden that can come with purchasing school supplies, which is why we provide all necessary materials and stationery at no extra cost. This way, you can rest assured that your child has everything they need to succeed in their classes without having to worry about additional expenses.

Our focus is on supporting your child’s academic growth and development and we strive to make the learning process as smooth and seamless as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about the materials or equipment needed for your child’s class, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we are here to help in any way we can.

Attendance and Make-up Classes

What if my child is ill or unavailable on the day of the class?

Our goal is to ensure that your child doesn’t fall behind in their studies due to unforeseen circumstances. If your child is unable to attend a class due to illness or other commitments, we provide a make-up class or can send the lesson via email. Conditions apply so please ask if needed.

We understand that life can be unpredictable, and we want to make sure that your child has every opportunity to succeed academically.

Class Size and Assistance

How large are your classes?

Classes have a max of 10-16 depending on the program. Selective Preparation classes have teaching assistants for additional support.

Having smaller class sizes allows for more personalised attention and a better learning experience for your child. Our teaching assistants are there to provide extra help and support to ensure that every student is able to grasp the material and succeed.

If your child ever needs additional assistance or has any questions, our team is always available to help. We want to create a positive and nurturing environment where your child can thrive and reach their full potential. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any concerns or requests for extra support. Your child’s success is our top priority.

Progression and Advancement

What if my child finds the work too easy?

If your child finds the work too easy, it could be a sign that they have a strong grasp of the material. Our team regularly reviews assessment results to ensure that each student is appropriately challenged to achieve their learning goals. If we determine that your child is ready for more advanced material, we may offer them the opportunity for promotion to a higher level.

We believe in fostering a growth mindset and providing opportunities for progression and advancement for all students. Your child’s academic growth and development are important to us, and we are committed to supporting them every step of the way.

Feel free to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your child’s academic progress with our team. We are here to help your child reach their full potential and achieve success.

Homework Expectations

How much homework is involved?

We understand the importance of balancing academics with other activities and believe that homework should be a tool to reinforce learning, not overwhelm students. Our goal is to provide meaningful and manageable assignments that support your child’s learning outside of the classroom.

Homework averages no more than thirty minutes each week, except for the Selective Preparation programme. No homework is set for Springboard students.

Enrolment Process

Your programs sound interesting. What do I do next?

Interested students need to sit for an entry assessment to determine suitability. The assessment helps us understand your child’s current level and needs, allowing us to determine whether our programs would be best suited to your child. For suitable applicants, the entry assessment provides us with insights to tailor our programs to best support your child’s growth and development.

After the assessment, we will provide you with feedback and recommendations on which program would be most beneficial for your child. From there, you can proceed with the enrolment process and secure your child’s spot in our programs. We look forward to welcoming your child to our learning community and supporting them on their educational journey.

Re-assessment Opportunities

What if my child is not successful on the entry assessment?

We offer the opportunity to re-test after twelve months.

We understand that every child is unique and may not perform their best on a single assessment. That’s why we offer the chance for re-assessment after twelve months. This allows your child to have another opportunity to showcase their abilities and potentially be placed in a program that better suits their needs.

Our goal is to support your child’s growth and development and we believe that giving them a second chance to demonstrate their skills is important in achieving this. If your child is not successful on the entry assessment, we encourage you to consider re-testing after twelve months to see how they have progressed and to explore other program options that may be a better fit.

We are committed to providing the best possible learning experience for your child and if successful will work with you to ensure they are placed in a program that supports their educational journey.

Choosing The Swot Shop

Why should we choose your service over another?

The Swot Shop offers a unique approach focusing on long-term value through enrichment activities and caters to the specific needs of intelligent students, beyond just improving school exam marks.

Our team of experienced teachers are dedicated to creating a supportive and stimulating environment where your child can thrive academically and personally. We understand that every child is unique and may require different approaches to learning, which is why we tailor our programmes to meet the specific needs of each individual student.

Additionally, our focus on enrichment activities goes beyond just improving exam scores, aiming to develop well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the future.

With The Swot Shop, you can trust that your child will receive access to a highly valued and proven education institution with the personalised attention and support they need to reach their full potential.

Join us on the path to excellence

Discover the difference of the Swot Shop approach. With our commitment to critical thinking, personalised learning, and academic excellence, we’re here to support your child’s journey to success. Learn more about how we can contribute to your child’s bright future.